The Stone Project represents one of the premier quarriers of Bianco Dolomiti, a globally recognized white marble, prized for its fine paint-like white background and wispy gray veining. The Material is quarried on the island of Marmara in the Marmara Sea off the west coast of mainland Turkey. We inventory, promote, and sell this quarrier’s materials in five distinct selections:
Bianco Dolomiti Premium: The cleanest whitest pieces with less veining than the other selections.
Bianco Dolomiti Select: Pieces with heavier gray veining are included in this selection, adding character and variation.
Bianco Dolomiti Standard: Pieces with the heaviest linear veining in gray, cream, and brown tones, adding even more character and variation.
Dolomiti Cloud: Geologically similar to the three selections above in its white areas, but with dense gray clouds of calcium-based marble running through the white magnesium-based dolomite in varying concentrations. It is notable for its white background and large dark gray cloud-shaped inclusions, adding additional drama and sturdiness to its structure.
Kul Gray: From a nearby deposit, this material is primarily calcite-based, more gray than white, and it offers a beautiful gray complement to the paint-like white background of the four Dolomiti selections. The material also backlights very well for applications that require a translucent material.
Pieces with heavier gray veining are included in this selection, adding character and variation.
3/4" Slabs
3x12" Tiles
(Honed & Polished)
(Honed & Polished)
Dense gray clouds of calcium based marble run through the white magnesium based dolomite.